Watch Olive Branch Message Series

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January 19. 2025
Speaker: Ken Davis


You may be surprised to know that you don’t have to know and prove the authority of the Sacred Writings or the Scriptures and all that implies. All of those who doubt God’s existence and everything else would like to debate creation, the Jewish Scriptures and the law, the historicity of Jonah and the big fish, the splitting of the Red Sea, Noah and the flood, and God’s miraculous intervention in those accounts. The real question, the core question in believing anything about faith is - did Jesus come and did He rise from the dead?

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January 12. 2025
Speaker: Ken Davis


Most of us know by looking at something whether is just happened - you know, by natural forces - or if there is intelligence and craftsmanship behind it. If there is intelligence and craftsmanship behind it, then that gives clues about who that person is and what they’re like. We don’t have enough time in a single lifetime to do a thorough personal investigation of everything before we trust, that is jump, place our bet. And that means we sometimes we have to trust others, their thoughts, their perceptions, and their experiences.

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January 5. 2025
Speaker: Ken Davis

HEY, I'M A BELIEVER... kinda

In our world, belief gets a bad rap - at least in some circles. There are people who believe that all truth claims are power moves. There are some people who think that sincerely believing something makes it true; as in, "This is MY truth, that is YOUR truth." And that is especially true when it comes to faith and spirituality. Maybe the real question should be, "is there any real basis for belief of any kind?"

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December 29. 2024 
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey


As we step into the New Year, many of us are focused on the future - setting goals and making plans. But have you considered whether you've truly surrendered every part of your life to God, including your day-to-day decisions? In "Signed, Sealed, Delivered," we will reflect on the words of Jesus in Luke 22:39-42, where He models the perfect example of surrender to the will of God. In this passage, Jesus, facing the cross, submits Himself to the sovereign will of the Father, saying, "Not My will, but Yours be done." Read More

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CHRISTMAS EVE / December 24. 2024 
Speaker: Ken Davis


There’s a reason for all the various shades of dark blue when it comes to Christmas - especially Christmas cards. The whole event happened at night - and a lot of the events happened in the dark. Jesus is born at night. The angels appear to the shepherds at night. The magi saw His Star in the East at night. Joseph has a dream at night where an angel warns him, "Get Mary and the baby out of here - NOW!" When it’s dark outside, you can’t see well - our primary way of avoiding danger. Read More

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December 15. 2024 
Speaker: Ken Davis


Sometimes people interpret the All In on Christmas as being a Christmas Geek. Super Elf. Extravagance that takes a year to pay off. Turning Christmas into a competition for attention, love and admiration is an exercise in missing the point.  God’s focus is not searching a catalogue to find gifts for people who have everything; His focus is on giving what we need most. Maybe the question isn’t, "What do you want for Christmas; it’s "What do you need for Christmas?"

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December 8. 2024 
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Unfortable Part of ALL IN

Mary couldn’t be half-in or even 90% All In on Christmas. Being All In on anything involves hard decisions. It’s a burn-the-ships decision. No turning back. Being All-In isn’t based on emotion du jour whether it's parenting, health, or even a sport you love. In fact, what you are all in about, by definition, means other things get the leftovers. As you read the Christmas accounts, it’s pretty clear that eons ago, God made a choice to experience pain. Pain He could’ve avoided. When the angel visited Mary, it was clear that the privilege of being Jesus’ Mom meant pain. To avoid pain and discomfort is to choose the pain of regret - what might have been!

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December 1. 2024 
Speaker: Ken Davis

I'm Not Liking Christmas These Days

We all love Christmas when we’re kids. Even in difficult situations with difficult family members, there’s a magic about Christmas that is irresistible. But Christmas is a little like Christianity in our world; it gets encrusted with all kinds of stuff that really has nothing to do with the wonder of a simple breathtaking event. All the little things that grow out of Christmas and all the traditions and expectations are like all the rules that made the Sabbath into a burden - and not a gift to weary people. The wonder of Christmas is about the extent that the Creator of all would go to stop the disease that is killing everything that’s good and beautiful. He was ALL IN!

The Chosen Logo

Season 2

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November 24. 2024 
Speaker: Ken Davis

THE MAP: Finding Jesus

The world - even though it doesn’t see it or acknowledge it, is actually looking for Jesus. The people who are looking for power are looking for Jesus. The people who are looking for love are looking for Jesus. The people who are looking for true success are looking for Jesus. The people who are looking for peace within, with others and with God, with what’s next - are looking for Jesus. The people who are looking for beauty, acceptance, inclusion, a win, an end to the chaos in the world - are looking for Jesus. But they don’t know where to find Him.

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November 17. 2024 
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Lost in a Storm of Unnecessary Fear

There are times in life that knot our stomachs and stall out our brains. In those times it takes all of our self restraint to NOT react. Jesus, Prince of peace, wasn’t just a peace lover; He was a peacemaker. And that’s what shines through His life – His calm when everyone else is scared to death.

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November 10. 2024 
Speaker: Ken Davis

Did You Think You'd Never Struggle Again?

There is a myth that shows up quite often among the followers of Jesus; it’s that once you receive Jesus as your Lord, your Saviour, your Messiah - that ends sickness, hardship and patterns of sinful behavior in our lives. And it’s simply not true - we still struggle! Following Jesus is a matter of growth - not a shazam moment where, because of His touch, we become perfect. If you’re struggling and you’ve fallen and you feel dumb, defective and broken - Jesus asks the same question: "Did you think you’d never struggle again?" The answer? His grace is greater than any struggle, any temptation and any failure. His strength is made perfect in our weakness!

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November 3. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

Your Weapon Won't Help You!

There is a dark side to what goes on in this world. It’s the demonic - all backed and led by the original rebel, the Devil, bent on wrecking everything God loves. Jesus often encountered these forces, and it was clear that they were no match for Him!

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October 27. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

Do You Want to Be Healed?

Whether it’s investing in the right stocks, or betting on the right numbers, or finding the right formula to engage the powers. The question Jesus asks here seems to have a "duuuuhh…of course!" answer to it. But actually? We have to decide - whatever our health crisis - physical, emotional, spiritual or relational. Do you WANT to be healed?

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October 20. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Trouble With Losing the Plot

We live in one of the most profound times of human history - and Jesus’ mission to the lost is STILL our mission. And yet, we are still tempted to live in a way that treats Jesus and His church, His people - His mission - as if it is really all about us, our fame, our convenience and our welfare. Self-preoccupation is messy, sticky, and all-consuming… and we can get LOST in it!

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October 13. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


Every year we have a national holiday so everyone can have a day off to be thankful. But in a world like ours, with growing violence, less jobs and everything getting more expensive and uncertain - why should we be thankful? Hopefully, our source of gratitude is NOT in better technology and how the iPhone connects us to the rest of the world. It has to be WAY, WAY BIGGER AND BETTER than that. And, actually... IT IS!

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September 29. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Bad Samaritan & The Sons of Thunder

Some have called our culture - the culture of contempt. It’s not enough to just disagree - we have to prove that we’re right and that people who disagree are evil or abnormal - worthy of our contempt. Social media will make sure, based on our algorithm, that our contempt is affirmed. Contempt - treating people as if they have no redeeming qualities - isn’t new. This episode makes it clear that Jesus’ disciples struggled with contempt as well. Contempt actually invites contempt - and the only way to break the cycle is to love your enemies - as Jesus instructed us to do. Kindness changes EVERYTHING!

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October 6. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


One of the things we miss so often is that Jesus sees exactly who we are - both good and bad, and LOVES us. Guile is word of image management. In our world, we call it social media; it’s the smart phone screen others see when they look up our name. It’s not new - it’s basically the image we create for ourselves or our family by the stuff we say, the pics we post, the things we buy. The message is, "Don’t you envy me? Read More

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September 15. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

Loving Grace & Living Grace

Jesus was born into a time in Israel where, quite frankly, no one cared about those who were lost to God You know, the people who had traded their souls for money, for power, for sex, for success… or for nothing. For the most part, the religious just condemned them, people just despised them and avoided them and others took advantage of them. "You screwed up your life, you knew you were making bad choices - deal with it!" And yet… that’s precisely who Jesus focused on. Read More

King of Hearts
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September 22. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Grace for the Spiritually Bankrupt

Let's discover how Jesus brings hope to those who feel they've hit rock bottom spiritually. The sermon highlights that no one is beyond the reach of Jesus' grace, and He seeks out those who are broken and lost, offering them a second chance. Through powerful examples from The Chosen TV series, we see how Jesus' love transforms lives, reminding us that grace is freely given to those who feel they have nothing left.

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August 25. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Broken Crowns

In a world where we often try to fix our brokenness with temporary solutions, Jesus offers us something far greater: true hope and healing. This week, we will explore how all of us wear crowns of brokenness - whether from sin, pain, or life’s struggles - but Christ invites us to lay them at His feet. Through His love and grace, we can find restoration and the strength to move forward, no longer relying on ourselves but trusting in the One who makes all things new.

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September 8. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Bow Before The Throne

Worship is more than a Sunday routine; it’s a response to the majesty of God and an invitation to experience. His presence in our daily lives. We will rediscover what it means to bow before God's throne in authentic worship. As we surrender our hearts in worship, we’ll encounter the hope, healing, and restoration only found in the One who is worthy of all praise.

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September 1. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Dethroning Idols

Our hearts are designed to worship, but too often, we crown idols - whether success, relationships, or comfort - in God's place. We will confront the subtle ways idols creep into our lives and rob us of peace and joy. We will explore how dethroning these idols allows us to re-center our lives around Christ, finding freedom and fulfillment in His reign over our hearts.

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August 18. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


Mature people know how to clean up their messes! Yet, relationally, some never do. The issue? Pride! One of the huge questions that always comes up on the issue of forgiveness is… does forgiving someone mean that you should be good friends again? In our relationship with God, He offers us forgiveness, but there is no reconciliation without repentance. And sometimes we are never restored, in this lifetime, to what we once enjoyed. You could see it like this; forgiveness - always. Read More

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August 11. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


There are some sticky questions around forgiveness. Most of us can agree on generic, everyday kind of forgiveness. But what about when an offense is so horrible you can’t forget? What about justice being done - I mean, is forgiveness just rolling over? And shouldn’t people be held accountable for stuff? And, what if they never even come close to saying they’re sorry or even acknowledging that they’ve hurt you? Is God expecting that we’re just going to jump right back into a place of trusting them again? What if you try and try and try - but you just can’t do it? 

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August 4. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


It’s interesting. God offers us forgiveness by paying for our guilt with His Son’s blood. Then it’s up to us. We can choose forgiveness - or not. But once we choose forgiveness from Him, it’s like we have chosen to be forgivers. In some way, it seems that when we choose to forgive, we are pleasing God immensely, we are choosing health for ourselves, and we are choosing the path of growth. When we choose forgiveness, we make God’s day, and we join hands with the noblest, best people who have ever walked this planet.

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July 28. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


Forgiveness. Most of us want it when we’ve screwed up. Most of us struggle to give it when someone has really hurt us or even slightly wounded our ego! We find ourselves in this strange quandary. We crave relationships with people and yet people sometimes hurt us deeply. What do we do with that? That brings us back to forgiveness. If we want a heart that is healed of its pain, if we want a life cut free from our hurt, if we want fair… we have to use God’s gift for hurt people - who can’t forget. The ability to forgive!

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July 21. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


Jesus who worked as a tekton or construction worker knew all about splinters! And He knew - splinters hurt like crazy! Maybe that’s why He talked so much about forgiveness. Let me explain. When someone wounds us, leaves angry words in us, uses us, betrays us, steals from us, criticizes us unfairly - it’s like a splinter. It’s lodged in us and because of the jagged edges, continues to create pain and limit us, slow us down - and remind us constantly, "Hey!  I’m here!" Read More

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July 14. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

EPIC LOVE: The Ultimate Plot Twist

The central focus of this story is understanding the real heart of God the Father. It's not just about the actions we perform in response to Him. A correct understanding of God’s inexhaustible love will help us not to fall into one of the two extremes of law or licentiousness; legalism or simply living like He doesn't exist.

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July 7. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

WAIT, A CELEBRATION? When Good Isn't Good Enough

The elder son in this story reminds us that when we desire the good things from God more than we desire Him, we are blinded to the grace of God. Not only our clearly sinful activities - but even our seemingly good deeds can have impure motives.

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Sunday June 30. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

RAGS TO RICHES: Call it a Comeback

The prodigal son reminds us that God’s grace is inexhaustible: we can never out-sin His forgiveness! So when we feel buried in shame because of our sin, we can still turn toward God - knowing that He will not reject us.

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June 23. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

What would YOU Do with YOU?

Right in to the context of telling us that He’s the vine and we are the branches - that we need to remain in Him or be fruitless, Jesus makes what feels like an odd statement; He says that He’s the vine, we’re the branches and His Father is the Gardener. So far so good. Then this, He cuts off every branch in me that doesn’t bear fruit. So, we’re to remain in Him - so we can be fruitful - and if we’re not fruitful He cut us off. That doesn’t sound like grace - and it doesn’t fit with everything Paul says, that nothing can separate us from God’s love! Actually? Read More

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June 16. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

Guys Don't Do Feelings... but should

So, guys, let’s just admit it; women are way, way, way better at helping each other and staying connected than guys. But for life to work - in any sense of that word, we need to stay connected to Jesus and to each other. That’s our only hope for making the difference we hope and pray we will make. Jesus said, "Come on! Be the branch! Stay connected!" And the great news is that when we droop, when we feel dry and dying, He doesn’t just gather us up and burn us - He picks us up. If we’re disconnected - He grafts us into His life.

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June 9. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

Anguish: The Eclipse that Just Doesn't Go Away

Every once in a while, we as humans hit an eclipse in life. It all goes dark and cold - and yet the sun isn’t gone - it's just eclipsed by a big, cold chunk of rock. Job is the one who has the distinction of being tested by God in the most painful of ways. In ways that would leave most of us devastated. He’s convinced that God has something to do with his pain, but doesn’t know what. His life is not working. His friends? What a joke! And Job teeters on the edge of self-righteousness, innocence and blasphemy. And then God shows up.

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June 2. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

Here Am I... Send Aaron

Anxiety seems to be the order of the day in this first part of the 21st century. The world has drastically changed - and that change, in many ways, started with a terrorist attack on 9-11. Moses is the hero, the guy who is noted for a whole new era in the world. Through him, God created and established an entire nation. Most of us don’t realize that he struggled with anxiety - forcing God to kinda kick him, push him into the role of leadership. And when you see what he was up against, you can understand why he was anxious! Read More

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May 26. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

I Can't Do this Anymore!

Elijah was one of the most powerful prophets in the Jewish Scriptures. I mean, the events surrounding his leadership and impact are unparalleled in so many ways. He was one courageous guy! And yet at the very pinnacle of his career as a prophet - he crashed and burned. It wasn’t a military attack or a demonic attack - it was fatigue! What’s fascinating is how God met Him there, and what his story means for you and me… when our way isn’t working!

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May 19. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

Ain't No Flies on Me!

If you trace anger throughout the Scriptures, it really doesn’t have a great reputation. Anger comes from jealousy - which is why Cain killed Abel and why Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave. Anger comes from extreme frustration - which is why Moses disobeyed God and lost his chance to see the promised land. Paul says, "Don’t let it sit inside you and rot you from the inside out - it gives the devil a foothold! Jesus clearly got angry - but warned about how when it’s focused on one person, it can be the same as murder. And yet, when our way isn’t working - frustration and anger can be the result and it can poison the way we do life. There’s a better way!

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May 12. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

I Never Expected This!

We all have expectations about what life will hold for us; we dream about the way we’ll be loved, the jobs we’ll hold, the way people will treat us, our health, our kids…our kids? That’s exactly where Hannah’s life hit the wall and dropped to the floor. In a world where having kids proved your worth - and not having kids brought shame - Hannah’s lot in life left her deeply discouraged. Broken, actually. When our lives are not working it’s like our courage tank, our hope tank gets punctured and we lose our motivation for moving forward. And God meets us right there.

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May 5. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

How's That Workin' for Ya?

Most of us have a kind of formula for how our life should go - and, in general, it seems to work until it doesn’t! And when it doesn’t we have a couple of options; 1) we can just keep pounding ourselves against the obstacles in our path, 2) we can pull a tantrum and blame others, God, our parents, our boss - or anyone else who seems to be in our way. Or, 3) we can come back to what Jesus told His Chosen on the night before His death - on the night He handed His mission to them and said, better stay connected to the vine - you can’t do ANYTHING without Me!

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April 28. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

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April 21. 2024
Speaker: Kelly Davis

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April 14. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

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April 7. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

Invited or Uninvited?

We come out of Easter thrilled that Jesus made it past the grave - He is who He claimed to be! He’s building a Kingdom that will last forever and overtakes all the kingdoms of this world. He’s master of quality, master of time and space, master of quantity and master over nature - and master of life and death! Here’s the question; where is He in your world? Is He invited… or uninvited; front and center, or back-burner, CEO or speed-dial consultant? Lots of people have theories about Him… but we know who He is!

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EASTER SUNDAY ∗ March 31. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Grave Robber

On Friday, Pilate handed Jesus off to a Roman death squad of 4 soldiers, overseen by a centurion, an exactor mortis. Their mission? No one came off a Roman cross alive! So, they nailed Jesus to the cross and made sure He was dead. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea carried Jesus to Joseph’s tomb, washed the blood off of Him, then wrapped the body in linen and spices. A 2000 pound stone was rolled into the entrance of the tomb - which was sealed by the Romans. What happened next we don’t really know - but the Spirit of God raised Jesus… and the Father robbed the grave!  Read More

The Chosen Series Header
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March 24. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


Jesus intentional journey to Samaria - risking the devotion of His followers and the violence of the Samaritans - to meet one thirsty but scandalous woman says it all.

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March 17. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Invitation

Jesus shocked everyone when He chose Matthew. I mean, Mary was bad enough with all her stuff and her past. But Matthew? He was the guy who had it all. Though he was treated with contempt among Jesus followers at first - He left everything to follow Jesus!

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March 20. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Indescribable Compassion

Jesus touched and hugged a leper. He treats everyone as image-bearers of God - differently than they’ve ever been treated. When you are Chosen - you are made new! Changed! Transformed! And that newness brings hope to everyone - no matter who you are, where you're from - or what you've done.

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March 3. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Wedding Gift

What has captured the world’s imagination is a snapshot of Jesus as a very normal, very human person - and yet who controls the healing of disease, and, in this case, chemical qualities. It’s a very human setting; a wedding where the family is about to be humiliated until Jesus steps in and changes 5 stone jars of water into the best wine. It was astounding - no human can speed up the process of water moving from soil to grapes to wine; only God could do something like that. Read More

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February 25. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Rock

At this point in The Chosen, we’re wondering why Jesus called Simon the Rock and made him the leader of his team. He has all the qualities of a leader, but he seems to be going in the wrong direction pretty much everywhere! The tension builds as all of Simon’s, "I’ve got this!" collapse. Sometimes we just won’t change course until there are no more options. Someone said, "We don’t usually realize that Jesus is all we need until Jesus is all we have." The build-up to the immense catch of fish is intense - and it’s like the dam inside Simon breaks. It’s still a slow change process, but you could call it the catch of fish that changed the world!

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February 18. 2024
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Jesus Loves The Little Children

The scenes of Jesus with the children - talking to them, asking them questions - telling them stories, playing games with them - are beautiful! He summarized a core responsibility for adults in this arena. He was clear - that if we cause a child to stumble or lead them astray, it is serious business with God!

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February 11. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


The term Shabbat refers to the Sabbath - the fifth commandment - saying that the Jewish people would be distinct from everyone else by working only six days and setting aside the seventh as a day of rest and worship in honour of God. For the first several hundred years as God’s people, the Israelites blew this off. After the Exile, they took it seriously. By Jesus day, it had become a burden - the law - with the Pharisees and Scribes as the police. Read More

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February 4. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis

I Have Called You By Name

Season 1 Episode 1

The shocking intro to this series is that starts with a demonized prostitute attacking a client. You think, Why? It’s because it’s true! The Jewish Messiah, Son of God, One who came to give His life for everyone is first introduced by a former tax collector - a traitor, hated by and rejected by the people in his culture. And true to the nickname, a 'friend of sinners’ - Jesus was all that and more. Read More

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January 28. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


I think most of us know instinctively how vital love is. We crave love because God is love and we were made in His image. Everyone wants to be valued for who they are, liked - and loved unconditionally - even though that kind of love is rare. Here’s our core problem; it’s in our growth as lovable people. Love attracts; un-love - if you want to call it that - it repels. The work of the Spirit of God in our hearts is to grow us up as loving people. To develop the FRUIT of the Spirit in us. Read More

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January 21. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


Money is a very touchy subject for us! There are reasons for that. The first is that it is always ready and waiting to be our God. When you read the records of how Israel had ongoing trouble with worshipping idols - it wasn’t that they believed that these idols created the universe and would forgive them when they sinned. No - it was almost always a way of seeking prosperity. It was a way to have good luck with your crops, with your livestock and with having enough to pay the bills. Read More

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January 14. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


One of the key things people saw in Jesus’ earthly ministry was how He healed people. What is clear is that Jesus cared---and therefore God cares about our health. And He made that clear. He said to the Israelites right after He extricated them from Egypt, I am the God who heals you! When Jesus tells John’s disciples that He was in fact the Messiah, he said, "The lame walk, the blind see, and lepers are cleansed!" Every health issue makes it clear that death still has a grip on our world - and we have all had it touch our lives - sometimes in very destructive ways. Read More

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January 7. 2024
Speaker: Ken Davis


I’m guessing that at the forefront of just about every heart right now, is the longing for peace. I mean, in 2024 there seems to be chaos on every front; Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Hamas - the murders and killings in 2023 that hit record highs. The core issue behind most of this is our mass rejection - as humans, of God’s offer of peace and reconciliation through Jesus. To be at odds with God is to be at odds with each other! Read More

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December 31. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Make Room for the New

We love comfort, and when something new enters our lives, it feels like a threat to what we are used to. There are so many things God wants to give you. The best way to receive them is by making room. So, what does that mean? The old is what I know, the old is easy and familiar. You don't need a new year to start fresh - but if you want God to work… you need to make room.

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December 24. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

When Joy Just Cut Loose!

Angels - God’s shining messengers are, by definition, scary and powerful beings - not cute little toddlers with wings that they’re made out to be! And their joy at Christmas was not a sweet little song accompanied by a harp. No, it roared across the sky and split the night with light no one could look at directly. Gabriel, one of the Christmas angels, stared in disbelief at Zechariah, a man of God, who questioned his message that he and his wife would have a son, We’re too old! Gabriel said, I stand in God’s Presence all the time! The implied thought is, "Do you think I’m lying? Do you think this is a CHRISTMAS JOKE? Read More

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December 17. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Distance Can't Prevent It!

When you read the accounts of who was invited to be a part of the amazing story of Jesus’ birth - it’s astounding to find out who accepted and who turned it down. Imagine invitations sent out for a Child Dedication or a Christening. On the day, the uncle from Australia, 3 times removed, comes and brings his family - and the grandparents 10 minutes away, don’t! It’s that shocking when Magi follow a star for 900 miles to worship and gift gifts to Jesus - and people a few miles away who should know better don’t even check it out! Read More

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December 10. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Uncertainty Can't Sabotage It!

The most surprising thing about joy is where you find it. When people say, "I could be joyful if…" and then list some kind of career goal or next purchase… or something that has to do with their love life, their kids, their appearance - they’re actually talking about the substitute -happiness. Happiness comes in chunks; it’s a solid; Joy is liquid; It’s usually under the surface - but water causes what is on the surface to flourish. Uncertainty and difficulty sabotages happiness - but not joy. Joy is God’s equal-opportunity gift to everyone. Read More

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December 3. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis


Jesus went through life inviting people. He invited them to follow Him. To trust Him. To believe in Him. To come to Him. To give their lives to Him - and for Him. He invited people to not worry about life - but put His Kingdom first. His final invitation was for those who loved Him, believed in Him and followed Him - to invite others to come to Him. Most people are only one invitation away from what will transform them forever or wreck them. The Olive Branch started out as an invitation to life, an invitation to peace - and an invitation to receiving life and giving life. Jesus invites - and so do we. Happy 20th Birthday Olive Branch!

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November 26. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Your Move

We all feel the pressures of a very confused world with it's messed up value system. We're pressured to exchange our faith for 'something' they promise. There's the intellectual challenges of faith in a faithless system, hope for the future - in a world that’s scrambling, the pressure to be unique, the pressure to live for your phone and social media - and on and on it goes. This is exactly what Paul was talking about with the challenge in Romans 12:1-2. How to think in new ways but not conform to the ways of the world. God's promises to us are clearly seen in the first 11 chapters of Romans. But then, in Romans 12, He challenges us to make the next move in our journey with Christ.

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  November 5 to November 26

How we spend our time here shapes what eternity will look like for us...

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November 19. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Worst Enemy or Best Partner... Forever!

When it comes to life, the final predictor of where you’ll end up is your mind. At the beginning of the whole section in Romans 12:1-2, Paul, the author, makes it clear that it’s when our minds are renewed - that we get transformed and can then know God’s good, pleasing and perfect will. This is a totally different path - opposite, actually - to being conformed to the behavior and customs of this world. Here’s how it works; what you expose yourself to - you think about. Read More

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November 12. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

What are You Fishing For?

Every fisher-person knows that catching fish means, 1) being in the right place; 2) being there at the right time; 3) using the right bait; and 4) fishing in a place where there are fish. The fish don’t care if you  have a $200,000 bass boat with a 350 hp Mercury Verrado and cool designer fishing duds or not! Like kids, they’re not foodies - they’re just hungry - hopefully! So, here’s the analogy. In life, we’re all looking for something and hoping to accomplish something and have something to show for the money, time and effort we’ve invested. Read More

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November 5. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

It's Late!

There is something called an exponential curve that actually applies in most areas of life. Banking, babies, population rate, nuclear weapons, the environment, the internet, and on and on it goes. Right now our world is full of problems, challenges, and bad patterns produced by both really amazing, good people and really bad people. They all have an exponential effect. Bottom line - history is on that exponential curve and it can’t just keep going on for 20, 50, 100, 150 more years! It’s late! Our investment of love is urgent! And we either will - or we’ll wait - until it’s TOO late!

Under the Surface Logo

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  September 17 to October 29

You have to decide what you believe...

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October 29. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

About the End of The World

Most people in our world know that life as we know it is not infinitely reproducible. There isn’t enough space and there aren’t enough resources. Jesus - who fulfilled all the prophecies made about Him speaks very clearly to the fact that there will come a time when He will return - and on that day, things will radically change. Peter speaks to the fact that it will be a day that will silence all skeptics and bring justice and life and healing. Jesus, the Hope of the Ages, our Saviour - and Lord of all - will set things right. He told us clearly that there would be signs to look for - but to not try to predict it. His calling was to just be ready!

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October 22. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

About the Church

There’s a reason why Jesus collected His followers into a group - and traveled with them and they with Him. He was simply doing what He has lived for all eternity; the community of the Trinity. The word Church means gathered people. And that’s why the New Testament is filled with one-anothers - love one another, encourage one another, help one another, pray for one another, comfort one another. There is no other way to interpret this than seeing that we need one another - just like body parts need one another. And that will always be inefficient and inconvenient. The Church of Jesus here is a foretaste of what the Church will be in Heaven - a group of different people - glad to be together forever!

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October 15. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

About Following Jesus

It’s interesting, isn’t it, that Jesus asked people to already believed in God, believed in the Scriptures (and memorized them), already knew most of the facts about God - to follow Him. And it’s only in following Him that their lives, priorities and relational worlds were transformed! And that’s what the Christian life is all about; loving, listening to, obeying and following Jesus - living under the same power that empowered Him - the power of the Holy Spirit!

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October 8. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

About Salvation

We’d like to think we are self-sufficient - that apart from Him creating us and occasionally stepping in to give us a hand, we really don’t need God. Given the trail of blood through history - it’s quite naïve to think that way. The truth is way more devastating than most would imagine. The damage sin has done to all human kind is profound. We need to be rescued and we need a rescuer!

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October 1. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

About Us

Every human has wondered - usually at multiple points, "What’s wrong with me? Why do I do what I do? What’s my destiny? Why am I even here? It’s pretty clear, first, that humans are intricately made - and have immense potential. It’s also clear through all of history that we keep sabotaging ourselves and hurting others. That we can be loving and generous and kind and be incredibly selfish and mean spirited. What’s our problem?!

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September 24. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

About Scripture

We believe that God has revealed Himself by what He’s made and what it’s like - and through His relationships with people since the beginning of time. That history and those relationships have produced what we call the Scriptures or Holy Writings. It’s the record of God’s actions and God’s Words and God’s insights into life, into the future, and both His power available to us - and His expectations for how we will love Him and love others.

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September 17. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

About God

That God exists seems to be a pretty obvious fact - judging by the fact that something exists rather than nothing. Looking at what it is and the sophisticated, intricate design of it all - and the deep sense throughout all cultures that there is a spiritual reality behind it all, gives us a sense that there is not a what behind it all - but a Who. Did this Who reveal Himself?

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  July 23 to September 10

The past 3 years have changed so much. So, where is God in all of this?

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September 10. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Theology of the Tough Stuff

Sometimes people think, "What happened to him… her… was so unfair!" Sometimes we go through tough times that we’ve created.  Sometimes we go through tough times - just because we live in a world that is seriously broken in almost every way. But sometimes we get hurt - and life gets difficult, because we do the right thing. Jesus said that would happen - because our world, our reality, our universe is not spiritually neutral. More than ever, in 2023, we have to decide if the tough stuff will cause us to chicken out - and just float downstream - because it’s the easier thing to do. My prayer for us all is that we will have the courage to graciously do what Jesus asks us to do - and live as Jesus asks us to live!

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September 3. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Eviction Notice

For all of us, there may be something that is taking center stage and preventing us from walking fully in the purpose God has for our lives. This week, Pastor Jeremiah encourages us through the story of Ezekiel to identify and evict every idol that may be on the throne of our heart.

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2-Part Series
August 27. 2023

Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Who is on The Throne?

The Bible says, " Above ALL else, guard your heart, for EVERYTHING you do flows from it." It's pretty clear... what is really going on inside each of us will be impossible to hide. Our actions, our words, our influence, our motives - and ultimately, how we love others. They all need to be reigned in. In other words, it's up to us to decide, declare and defend the most important God-given part of us. And He helps us to do it.

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August 20. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

No Bullies Allowed

What is sometimes so hard for us to grasp - is how Jesus thinks of us. Sometimes that’s hard for us because of the bruises from the religious people we’ve known. And, honestly, the super-religious people who harassed Jesus and finally had him killed are still around doing the same old things that religious bullies always have: bruising people! Snuffing out candles that are barely lit. And it’s not just religious bullies who do that - all bullies do. They’re inspired by the master bully - and liar - the Devil. At His core - Jesus was gentle. He never walked into a room and stomped on people who were struggling. Read More

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August 13. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Feeling Like You Never Measure Up

We’d like to be able to truthfully sing the little song we learn as kids; Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me! That sounds very brave, but it’s simply not true. Words do hurt us! Every one of us has voices from that past - and maybe even the present. Someone was trying to change us from the outside in and when it seemed like we weren’t listening or cooperating - they lobbed a verbal grenade over the wall. Read More

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August 6. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Life at the Intersections

Our lives could be described as a series of intersections. The intersection where we were conceived by our Mom and Dad; the day we were born, the day we were weaned, potty trained, went to nursery school - then JK and SK - and our intersection with learning, with university, with all the people who made a difference in our lives - the list of intersections goes on and on. Most of the books of the Bible are stories of intersections - people intersecting one another, God, and both good things and bad things. Read More

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July 30. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Where is God When it Hurts?

One of the top five questions about God and His existence in our world goes something like this: If God is good - as Christians describe Him - why is their pain and suffering? And that’s a profound question that many people struggle with. Some to the point that it derails their faith and they become either atheists or agnostics. Surprisingly, some of the best-known people in the Bible had to wrestle this one down. Even Jesus, the Son of God, the only perfect person who ever lived, came face to face with it. The answer He lived out but never actually commented on is astonishing!

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July 23. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

When Life Rocks Your World

Things change. They do. Sometimes they change because of us… and sometimes they change despite us. When massive changes like we’ve experienced take place, it’s a very helpless feeling. And how we deal with all the changes - and there are a ton of them - either sets us up for the future or frustrates our future - or even wrecks our future. We honestly have a choice in it all - and how we make that choice really matters. God can help us move in the right directions - if we let Him!

Refresh Summer

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  July 2-16

Recharge your body, mind and soul!

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July 16. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Forget All That

Summer is a season of growth and abundance in nature, and it can also be a time of growth in our faith. We will focus on ways to rejuvenate our faith and deepen our relationship with God. We need to cultivate spiritual disciplines, engage in intentional prayer, and seek God's guidance for our lives. God in His word encourages us to embrace a renewed and refreshed faith - but not to forget what He has done in our lives and what He's going to do!

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June 9. 2023 
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Be Salt. Be Light

Matthew 5:13-16

During the summer we have more opportunities to spend time outdoors and engage with our community. As Jesus followers we are called to be salt and light in all our relationships. In other words, our actions, attitudes, and interactions with people can reflect who we say we are… or not. The choice is ours to make. So what kind of influence do you want to have? That’s what our Pastor of Youth & Young Adults, Jeremiah Vijey, will be talking about this Sunday morning at 10 am. Join us!

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July 2. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Finding Rest in a Restless World

In this fast-paced and busy world, we often neglect the importance of rest and its impact on our spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. We will explore the concept of finding rest in God and how it can restore our souls. The Bible highlights God's invitation with practical ways to incorporate these things into our lives... especially during the summer season!


Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  May 21 to June 18. 2023

Learning to say No when you need to say no - and Yes when you need to say yes - it takes discipline. 

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June 25. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Discipline of Being Grateful

Gratitude seems to be one of those things that should come naturally. But, actually, it doesn’t. What comes naturally is jealousy, greed, envy, self-pity, and resentment. God offers us forgiveness, companionship, grace, what we need to eat, beauty, strength, and Himself - and yet without the discipline of gratitude, all we’ll see is what others are and have - and what we aren’t and what we don’t have. Unchecked over time, we'll end up in a deep abyss of self-pity. And if we don't climb out... we'll miss the goodness of God. We'll miss the life He has promised to those who trust in Him. So let's start climbing - together!

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June 18. 2023 
Speaker: Ken Davis

HUMILITY: Serving Other as Jesus Would

Everyone would like to be truly great. In our world system, greatness is determined by what people think about you, what the media says about you, about your accomplishments, power, and wealth - and, to be honest, what you think of you! True greatness, though, is defined very differently by God - and Jesus, the greatest man who ever lived - lived it. And it goes back to the fact that "Even though He was God, He did not demand and cling to His rights as God. Instead, He humbled himself and took on the form of a servant. And that fits, He said that He did not come to BE served, but to SERVE and give His life as a ransom. Read More

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June 11. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

GIVING: Breaking the Back of Greed & Selfishness

Here’s something we all know; reading and talking are a lot easier than giving! In fact, when someone asks you to give, that may end the conversation. And yet… aren’t you glad that when you ask God for money, that doesn’t end the conversation with Him? Think about it; if we ask Him for money and things and favours - and expect Him to respond, doesn’t it seem fair that He should be able to ask us and not have us get weird with Him? Giving is a spiritual discipline. To give - and everyone can - we have to limit what we give to ourselves. Read More

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June 4. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Cultivating the Fruit of The Spirit

If you look up the word, 'cultivate' you'd see that in today's language it means, "to improve or develop by careful attention, training, or study; to devote time and thought to." The kind of fruit we're talking about cultivating is love, joy, peace and patience. The Bible tells us to go deeper and discover the life-changing power of the fruit of the Spirit. It won't happen all at once - it will take time, effort, and lots of prayer. Like, if you planted an apple tree in your backyard, would you expect to be baking a pie that night? Probably not - unless you made a trip to the grocery store. Read More

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May 21. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

PERSPECTIVE: God’s Word - Seeing Things As They Are

Every day, we have people who are quite anxious to tell us how things are, what we ought to be concerned about, what we need to do, what causes we need to support, how we ought to think about our money, our bodies, our work, our children, and our world. You know, what matters and what really doesn’t matter! News, government, social media, friends, teachers, ads - everyone wants to shape the way we think - knowing that it will influence how we spend, how we live, what we do, what we watch - and ultimately - who we are. Read More

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Sunday May 14. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Soar, Run, Walk, Crawl

What I think I’m seeing in the aftermath of the past three years is something that has been described as languishing. That is, people who are overwhelmed, under-resourced and overtired. And this would especially apply to Moms. It’s one thing getting yourself through a time when everything has changed; it’s quite another helping your kids through it. A lot of us have been left spinning in the wind. As a parent, the pressure is not just about getting yourself through it - it’s getting your children to the other side. Read More

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May 7. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Great Aim, Wrong Target

We like to be comfortable. We fill our calendar with all kinds of things from getting our spiritual 'needs' met at church to connecting with all our 'feel-good' friends - to heading to the gym. Not bad things, if that's all you're aiming for. Then every day our culture prods us to pursue success, wealth and power like they should be our primary targets. More comfort, more status, more stuff. What's not to like about having it all? The truth is, all these things can consume us and often lead us away from the heart of God. A heart that loves, a heart that makes sacrifices, a heart that serves without reward. Read More

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April 30. 2023
Speaker: Kelly Davis

A Change of Heart

Our mission here at the Olive Branch is "To build a community of people transformed by the Good News of Jesus and committed to having a transforming impact on our world - being Good News wherever we find ourselves." It all starts with transformation.
Giving doesn’t just come from our hands - it comes from our heart first. When we give out of a transformed heart, we are giving back to God. Not to earn anything, but out of gratitude for what HE has given us. It's only then we can begin to see the bigger picture. That it's NOT just about us. Surprised? Every soul on this planet matters to God. And here's some more good news. Read More
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April 23. 2023 at 10 AM
Speaker: Ken Davis

Love Drives Everything

In my heart and yours, there’s a divider. We start out life with only the capacity to receive LOVE - that is, a huge capacity for taking, but almost no ability to give back. Within a few months, we can give back a little - with adorably cute toothless smiles and incoherent babbling. But babies think it's all about them. And it is, for a time. But some people never get over it - no matter how many years they spend on the planet! Read More

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April 16. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

What Now? Easter aftermath

Easter was amazing! It's a special time of excitement and celebration, even for those who don’t believe in Jesus. But now what? Peter and the disciples were waiting - they didn't know what was next after Jesus' resurrection. Maybe you feel the same way - all the joy and hype around Easter has faded. So, what does God want from me now?

Easter Series 2023

Olive Branch Easter Message Series  ∗  April 2 to April 9. 2023

Was Jesus’ dream - just a DREAM... or a PLAN?

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Easter Sunday / April 9. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Final Twist

We all love a final twist in the plot where everything seems broken beyond repair - squashed - over - hopeless - and then everything changes. The first clue is a twitch, light in the darkness - a word - a tear - SOMEONE clicks. For Jesus? It was two women at a grave mourning; it was a team of guards keeping the Roman seal intact. And then this angel, this powerful being of light who moves a ton of stone like it’s made of Styrofoam. Read More

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Good Friday / April 7. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Death Wish

here’s a fascinating new TV/Netflix series called The Chosen. As I watch it, it makes me want to be like Jesus! As the disciples, The Chosen are revealed and introduced one by one, the former disciple of John the Baptist, Nathaniel, says to Philip, "It looks like your new Rabbi, Jesus, has the same death wish as old Rabbi, John the Baptist." Looking at Jesus’ life from a distance it does seem like He has a death wish! He did things that He knew would create a problem! Read More

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April 2. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Crushed Between Dreams

Jesus had a plan for the Kingdom - a kingdom driven by grace, humility and love - led by servants! Increasingly, throughout His ministry, He ran up against a bunch of other dreams. For some, it was a dream of having money and success; but for others, it was a dream for the temple and the Torah to rule the world. For the Romans, it was a dream of a 1000 year Reich - to put it in terms we all understand. For the Zealots, it was a dream of a Roman Empire full of dead Romans. Meaning? Well, when Jesus entered Jerusalem and began the last week of His life, it was like a powder keg. Read More


Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  February 26 to March 26. 2023

In a world convinced that the church is irrelevant, obsolete… or even destructive,
the truth is - it’s more important than ever

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March 26. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Breathtaking, Beautiful Amazing Grace!

Honestly, everyone craves it - and we know the famous song about it. Ironically the author, John Newton, sold 20,000 people and their descents into a future without it! We still live in a world that is largely devoid of it - too big for people to get into their heads. And yet there are rumors of it. And that’s why people who catch a glimpse of Jesus’ gathered people - who don’t show it, are so puzzled. Admittedly - it is too big to understand. Why would the very One who could make sure everyone gets precisely what they deserve - not give THAT to them? Read More

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March 19. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

'Living the One Anothers'

Jesus was very clear in telling His Disciples that His new over-arching command for His gathered people, His congregation, was Love one another - as I have loved you! Those were His marching orders. His people were to make war against hatred, lust, greed, power-mongering, jealousy - by loving and counteracting disrespect, thoughtlessness and cruelty with love and grace. As they had received grace, they were to give grace. As they had been forgiven - they were to forgive. Read More

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March 12. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Bottle Worshippers Anonymous

I see the church almost like a volcano - where the energy and power under the surface erupts with awesome force - lava runs hot and wild and changes the landscape. Then it cools and hardens and everything looks normal. The difference is that volcanoes are abnormal and usually destructive - and what Jesus intended His gathered people to be was a life-giving flow of love, life, grace and hope. Read More

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March 5. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

A Short History of The Good Book

There’s a saying that if we don’t learn from history, we’re signing up to repeat it. To really understand Jesus’ coming and why He had to come, you really need to understand how God’s mission to bless the nations, make all things new started with Abraham, led to creating a nation and a covenant, and then the coming of the Messiah. The question people sometimes ask is, "Why did God change tactics?" And some blatantly ask, "Why does the God who led Israel seem so different than Jesus?" Read More

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February 26. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

If Jesus Only Knew!

There’s really no question about Who started the 'church’, Who gave it it’s name, Who laid out it’s mission, and Who commissioned it to change the world. It was Jesus. And He gave His Name to it - not that we have lived up to it! It wasn’t intended by Jesus to be a cool new religion called Christianity - the religion part actually came afterward in total disregard for the movement He wanted. Read More

Before You Jump

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  January 8 to January 29. 2023

One at a time, decisions create our life and write our story.

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February 19. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

So What?

So, you ask all these great questions. And then you make some truly great decisions - some stunning moves that get you where you want to go. Without being a party pooper, the question that really needs to be asked and answered is… SO WHAT? What is your bottom line? When you finish this life (and your chances of doing that run at around 100%), what defines success and ultimately becoming the person you were created to be and doing what you were created to do? Read More

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February 12. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

What Does LOVE Require of Me?

Most of the other questions, hands down, bring immediate results in our lives. This question - the one Jesus specifically calls us to - usually has a delayed reaction to it. Eternal results? Legacy results? Absolutely! But loving someone is a long term thing - and love is always about SOME ONE. Love is personal. It’s not about loving your dog - or, God forbid, your cat - or your pet snake! And people are unpredictable. Jesus said, "Love your enemies!"  Read More

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February 5. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

What is The Wise Thing to Do?

This tiny question could save us a LOT of pain! Can I just be honest? Sometimes we hit our 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and we’re still making the decisions a teenager would make - sometimes decisions a kid would make in public school. We’re chasing what catches our eye, we’re chasing our hormones, we’re retaliating like we’re still inside the chain-link fence around the playground, we’re calling people names, trying to prove we’re better, hosting massive suck-your-thumb pity parties… I mean, the list goes on! Read More

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January 29. 2023 → YOUTH TAKEOVER Sunday
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Is There a Tension that Demands My Attention?

Every once in a while - before we decide, make a move, choose a direction, there is an inner "stay of execution." We can’t even explain it - but there is like a STOP sign in our conscience. Many times, that check is from God - or from this inner place that tells us to push the pause button. You could call it the tension that demands our attention. Sometimes what we’re planning is clearly outside the lines. Read More

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January 22. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

What Story Do I Want To Tell?

Most of what you and I are facing right now - even with all the struggles and confusion and tough circumstances, will one day be just a story we tell.  Someday, those who are following our legacy will see a life that has been shaped by the decisions we made - decisions that likely affected them if they’re related or connected to us. And the question we need to ask is, What story do I want to tell - and will this be a chapter I’d like to leave out Read More

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January 15. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Am I Being Honest With Myself, Really?

Honestly, we are suckers for our own lies and story lines - justifications for what we do and why we’re doing it. When we really want something - or want to do something that we suspect isn’t wise, we tell bald-faced lies to ourselves - lies that if someone else told us, we’d laugh in their faces and say, "Give me a break! What do you think I am, stupid? Naïve?" But when we’re trying to justify and excuse ourselves - we tell the lie and believe the lie! Read More

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January 8. 2023
Speaker: Ken Davis

Before You Jump... ASK IT!

We all jump at some point. I don’t know, maybe the last time you jumped was in 2nd grade. It could happen! But I’m guessing you’ve jumped since then. Before you jump into the unknown, it’s always, ALWAYS wise to know what you’re jumping into - and what the consequences could be. If you’re jumping into a lake, you need to know where the rocks are and how deep the water is. If you’re jumping out of a plane, you need to ask, "Who packed my parachute? Was it a friend or enemy? Read More

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January 1. 2023
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Same God. New Year

When we're setting goals for the New Year, it's tempting to tackle everything we want to change about our lives. But how often does that really work? Instead, what if we focused on less to accomplish more? This message is all about the four questions we need to ask ourselves before entering the New Year… that's all it takes!


Olive Branch Christmas Message Series  ∗  December 11 to December 24. 2022

Down through history stories come and stories go...

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December 24. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Changed Nothing... and Changes Everything

When there is a huge hidden strategy - covert operations - and a massive strategic deployment of troops, we expect headlines! Large print; We interrupt this program to bring you the lastest news! In the Spring of 4-6 BC, the estimated year this all took place - it was quiet - truly a Silent Night.  In the privacy of nothing more than a shed, the faint cry of a baby cut through the still night air. And that was it! Read More

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December 18. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Disturbing, Uncomfortable... and Comforting

If this story of Christmas is, in fact, authentic - and all of the evidence points in that direction, then it is actually not a cute story of "how the Christ-child came and taught us that in loving and giving we find our own happiness." The story line is summarized by, "God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish. Read More

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December 11. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Unbelievable, Fantastic... and Authentic

The stories around the religions of the world have always been, well, different. Odd. Sometimes weird. Like, demi-gods creating the earth and sky with pieces of themselves. Of course, the current evolutionary version is not all that believable, either - that something came from nothing. It would appear that we have to choose which unbelievable story to… well, believe. Read More


Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  November 6 to December 4. 2022

It's not good for us to be alone.

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December 4. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Just One Ask Away!

Have you ever thought of friends in terms of the fact that they need you? We sometimes think of friendships in terms of ourselves - our own needs, our own agenda, totally in the sense of, What’s in it for Me? Well, there is something in every friendship for us - but that’s not really what friendship is about. To think that way will twist it. The better question is 'What can I give to my friends?' To put it into context, imagine Jesus - the One who called us to follow Him - asking when it came to giving His life, "What’s in it for me?" Read More

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November 27. 2022
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

The Root of the Problem

The secret to bearing fruit is being part of a loving community. When we study together, pray together, love one another and encourage each other - we will bear fruit that will last. We can learn a lot about a plant by the fruit it produces. What does your fruit say about you?

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November 20. 2022

World Vision

For the first time, children are getting to choose their sponsors. And with that choice comes power. Power to shape their future. Pursue their dreams. Become change-makers in their communities. The desire we all feel to be seen and known by another. The longing we feel to be chosen – to feel that we matter. Read More

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November 13. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Disapproval and Other Forms of Friend Repellent

It’s unfortunate for the Church of Jesus - and for the world Jesus loves and gave His life for, that His Followers have at times felt obligated to officially disapprove of people and the many ways they sin and fail and struggle. Read More

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November 6. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Relational Intelligence

You’d think this would come naturally. What does come naturally is our IQ - which is largely irrelevant in terms of success and meaning in life. Relational intelligence or Emotional Intelligence is knowing how to relate to others in ways that are meaningful to you and them. Read More

Silence Series

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  October 23 & October 30. 2022

How do I learn to trust God?

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October 30. 2022
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past...

is a key element in navigating difficult seasons. Seeing God’s faithfulness in the past, in our lives and in the lives of others, encourages us that we can trust Him in the present and the future.

Habakkuk 3:1–16

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October 23. 2022
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

God is big enough...

for our questions and our objections; He invites us to bring them to Him in dialogue and to trust Him with the issues. Habakkuk 1:1–17

Fans & Followers

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  September 11 to October 16. 2022

Jesus is all about RELATIONSHIP - not religion.

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October 16. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

DTR'S and Defining Moments

Most people know that if you follow Jesus all through His life, watch every encounter, hear every challenge and listen to every message - what you find is a cross. Jesus never wrote a book - and if He had, it wouldn’t be called, 7 Keys To a Healthy, Prosperous Extraordinary Life! Read More

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October 9. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Jesus, Why Don't You Just Follow Me?

I think if most of us were honest, we’d like the whole follow me part of Jesus’ teaching to be reversed. Let me explain. Autonomy is a huge deal in our world. In fact, I don’t think it would be exaggerating to say that it’s the new religion in North America. Read More


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October 2. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Jesus' Best Known DTR Talks

They never called them DTR or Define the Relationship talks, but that is what they were. Nicodemus had one. The rich young ruler had one. Matthew had one. And one day Jesus had the DTR talk with a whole bunch of people at one time. Read More

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September 25. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Believe In, Believe About, Believe Jesus

When people use the phrase, "I’m a believer" it’s not real clear if it’s what they believe about Jesus - or if they believe in Jesus. I say that because it’s clear that all the demons believed stuff about Jesus. Read More

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September 18. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Ancient Metaphor

Long before Jesus’ ancestor, David, came up with Psalm 23, the people of Israel were shepherds - a profession the Egyptians looked down on. It became a well-known metaphor used by the prophets - calling the people of Israel, "God’s flock." Read More

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September 11. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

DTR'S and Fan Mail

Most people want to know if someone is using them or committed to them. In love relationships, it’s sometimes really hard to tell the difference, you know - between infatuation - or true love. And when you don’t know, you need to have the DTR talk. Read More

Back At It

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  August 28 & September 4. 2022

It's all about priorities.

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August 28. 2022
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Back At It

Without a doubt, life is busy - but it's never too late to change your priorities. So what comes first for you?

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September 4. 2022
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

How Do I Get Back?

Without a doubt, life is busy - and you never know what's around the next corner. But where do you turn when it makes no sense? Who do you trust when there's so much uncertainty in the world?

It’s a Jungle Out There

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  July 24 to August 21. 2022

The antidote to fear is not comfort; it's faith.

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August 7. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

Don't Feed the Pigs!

Don’t know if you’re up on pigs or not, but pigs are omnivores! Put it in front of them - bread, fruit, veggies, meat, garbage, tin cans, old car batteries, and they’ll eat them! Well, maybe not all that stuff… but most of it! Fear is an omnivore, too. Read More

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July 31. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

It's Way Too Expensive!

What creates fear in us is the perceived price tag on doing what is right - and what we know in our hearts God is asking of us. Our minds are very creative and create disaster scenarios in Sensurround - including sights, sounds, smells, pain, gore, shame, and defeat. Read More

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July 24. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Ugly, Smelly, Paralyzing Giant

As we’ve been saying all along since initial onset of COVID, caution is always something God advises. We see this from the health guidelines in the Book of Leviticus to the wisdom of Proverbs. But FEAR? Never. Our call is to respect the power and calling and love of God more than our fear. Read More

Waiting for When

Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  July 3 to July 17. 2022

No matter what - God always comes through.

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July 17. 2022
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Waiting for Contentment

Philippians 4:11–13
Paul waited - stifled in prison, when he loved to travel and meet face to face with people. While he was there, he learned the secret of being content - the only reason we have the amazing letters he wrote.

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July 10. 2022
Speaker: Kelly Davis

Waiting for Your Dream

Matthew 16:21–23
Have you ever had your plans changed on you? The disciples assumed they knew God’s plan for Jesus - but it was a broken view of what God was up to. In their impatience they could not see that God was actually changing everything.

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July 3. 2022
Speaker: Jeremiah Vijey

Waiting for Love

Genesis 29:31–34
Sometimes we struggle to wait, and instead, embrace the wrong things at the wrong time. The story of Leah shows someone who was waiting for love without impulsively rushing to find it. Read More


Olive Branch Message Series  ∗  May 22 to June 26. 2022

The hard truth about character.

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June 26. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Exit Interview

If Jesus was right, and I really, really believe He was right - and is still right - the part of life we have after we exit this life is by far the most profound and most important part. What we do in this life is the set up for what happens there. You see this in every single thing Jesus said and in pretty much every story He ever told. The shocking reality for pretty much everyone in our world is that there is an exit interview scheduled for everyone - and we don’t know when it is - and Jesus is the One who interviews. Read More

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June 19. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Seven Building Blocks of Character: Part 2

Forgiveness and grace is a promise! There’s a promise that goes with that. God is able to keep us from falling. And Peter tells us what the building blocks for that kind of life are. It’s life where we finish well. It’s a life that impacts others - that, in some way, changes the world for the better! If that’s what you want, then you’ll need to search your life for these characteristics Peter lays out.

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June 12. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Seven Building Blocks of Character: Part 1

I have never met a person who wants to wreck their lives, do a faceplant, go down, humiliate themselves, or get featured in tabloids. Those who do experience one of the most painful feelings ever: Humiliation; Regret. Regret is rear view mirror stuff. History. The great news of Jesus and what He’s done for us makes it clear that we get a do-over. Jesus called it being born from above.  Forgiveness and grace is a promise!

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June 5. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

You Have People on Your Plane!

As some of you know, I watch the show Mayday! When there is a crash, the airline industry uses a word for people - that just doesn’t get used much anymore in our world: Soul. "How many SOULS were lost?" That is a profound word, isn’t it? The implications are that we are not just animated bodies. There is way, way, WAY more to us - a forever part. In a selfie world like ours, people think mainly of themselves and their own interests and welfare. Read More

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May 29. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

No Excuses

One of the first things people do when they’re confronted with a faceplant - with moral failure - with something they’ve done that’s humiliating, is make excuses. We know this because we’ve all done it!  "See, I have this inner pain because my parents…" "Well, I have unmet sexual needs because my wife…"  "Well, I experienced abuse as a child, so I…"  "I’ve always been attracted to..."  "See, my Daddy was an alcoholic, and…"  Read More

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May 22. 2022
Speaker: Ken Davis

The Casualties

It would appear that we live in an era where an unprecedented number of high profile leaders have stumbled and fallen. Why? Is it because the internet and social media have made everything - especially the ugly and salacious stuff - more public? Is it because the internet and social media have made the ugly and salacious stuff more available? Is it because we live at a really difficult time in history and curtain-time is approaching? Read More

Go to The Olive Branch YouTube Channel for message archives to April 2. 2020

Go to The Olive Branch Vimeo Channel for message archives to February 28. 2010