The Gospel – the Good News – is the most amazing truth on earth! It is the only truth that can really change the world at the core. It is in fact the hope of the world. It was tremendously costly to Christ – who died to make it freely available to all. And we are called, not just to use the Gospel – but to live it, and offer it to the people of this world for whom it is inaccessible. Sometimes we want to do that – live worthy of the truth we say we believe, but get scared into mediocrity by the pricetag. Don’t be afraid!

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Praying for someone else can sure be intimidating. How do I do it well? What is something I should always say? What if I suck at praying out loud? Sadly, all of us have thought this before. Paul, in his little letter to the Philippians, has a fantastic approach to this dilemma. He suggests that when we pray for others, we pray for them to be “filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes from JESUS CHRIST.” So, taking from Paul, we are going to be diving into to what this means, and how to do it well!

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Once again, God’s Word blows the assumptions of our culture out of the water! Word on the street has it that, To live is ME, to die is LOSS. Paul says, “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” It is possible to live on a plane that is absolutely inaccessible – where your life, your values, and your reward are frustratingly untouchable. In fact, because of Jesus Christ, you can cheat death! So, make the kind of choices that will lead you there. Don’t get intimidated into cashing in for something less!

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Our world system makes it pretty clear that joy is something that happens to you if you can just click in all the right things – kind of a roll of the dice. The implication is that it is clearly related to our circumstances. The amazing, counter-intuitive teaching of the Bible is that joy is a choice – largely unrelated to circumstances; that joy is available to everyone, not just the lucky. In fact, joy is listed as one of the tell-tale evidences that the Spirit of God is active in your heart. It is a radical decision everyone has to make: Will I choose joy? Will you?

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(Philippians 1:3-11)
We westerners are obsessed with doing. We think sweat, energy, productivity – and endless doing is the key to everything. When we think of God’s will, we often think, “What does He want me to do?” – as if that’s the ultimate goal. When we follow God’s direction, we look for a completed, packaged product – something. But God’s completed product is us. Our hearts. Who we become – who we are. Who we become lasts for all eternity. That’s why God doesn’t get flustered by hindrances, tragedies, incomplete programs and failures. He has started a work in your heart that He is determined to complete – but He needs and wants your cooperation. The question is – will you FINISH well?

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(Philippians 1:1-2)
Jesus talked a lot about the Kingdom of God. He literally meant, the span of God’s reign and leadership. The word kingdom brings up a lot of stuff from the middle ages – knights, castles, princesses – stuff that has no real place in what Jesus meant. The word country or nation may make more sense for us. For example, God’s nation is where the basic constitution is about loving God and loving others. There’s a kind of bill of rights. But the way of this nation – is higher ground; the kind Jesus talked about in labeling the roads, the narrow path which leads to life and the broad road which leads to death. In this book, Paul talks about what has been called the principle of the path. That direction – not your intentions – determine your destination!

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