No one in Bethlehem would ever guess what was happening. In fact, a lot of the small towns would’ve been much better places to hail from – like Jerusalem, City of David – just 7 miles away. But this night, it would be Bethlehem, David’s home town. And there was a reason; the prophet, Micah, had said 700 years earlier that out of Bethlehem would come a ruler. No one ever suspected it was God – who looked just like every other baby. He who had seen everything come into being would not see much that night – because every newborn’s vision is blurred. But what God had seen and noted, were the hopes and fears of every person who had ever lived – and who would ever live. And His everlasting love for, and care for, and concern for, all those people – would be concentrated in a tiny wailing baby – whose soft cry split history for all time.
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