From my perspective, FEAR has been the predominant emotion in the GTA – and maybe the world, for the past 2 years of COVID. Frustration and anger may come in a close second. So, here’s the deal; fear never accomplishes anything good long-term. Initially, it causes a reaction that helps us be alert and avoid immediate danger. But when it begins to settle into your heart, your soul, and your mind – it has a paralyzing effect. If you’ve ever known someone with PTSD, you know this is true.
And that’s why fear is not from God. In our relational world, fear is destructive – because fear focuses our attention almost exclusively on ourselves and our own interests. That’s why, biblically, we say, Caution – YES, Fear – NO! Again and again, God has said over the years to people confronted by fear, Don’t be afraid – for I am with you! Caution shows respect for God and what He has promised – and for people who are usually the victims of our reactions. Fear disrespects what God has promised – and usually causes us to disrespect people. Fear does not lead to anything good – including being safe. The bottom line is that we do not have to be afraid!
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