When Jesus started His ministry and sent demons, disease, and death running for their lives, so to speak, you’d think everyone would celebrate that! It was amazing. Wouldn’t you want, as your key leader – someone with the power to do that? Someone who lived with humility and identified with the down and out? What made this different was that it was pre-humilitas. Strangely enough, humility was not seen as a virtue at that point in history. When Jesus didn’t ride in on a massive horse, with glistening armour – with an angel army in the trillions, He seriously went down in the polls… and kept going down. Jesus was introducing a kingdom that, in 30 A.D., seemed upside-down! He presented a way of living and a way of thinking that was dead-on accurate – but it repelled people who were driven by the UP philosophy of the world system.
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