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Here’s something we all know; reading and talking are a lot easier than giving! In fact, when someone asks you to give, that may end the conversation. And yet… aren’t you glad that when you ask God for money, that doesn’t end the conversation with Him? Think about it; if we ask Him for money and things and favours – and expect Him to respond, doesn’t it seem fair that He should be able to ask us and not have us get weird with Him? Giving is a spiritual discipline. To give – and everyone can – we have to limit what we give to ourselves. It’s the same as with the other parts of your spiritual work-out – if you ignore it, you won’t grow. Our goal is to be more like Jesus – to look like Him, live like Him and love like Him – and that involves generosity. And you and I cannot become generous people without giving. It’s kind of a pre-requisite! See, living with your hands clutched tight around your money and stuff reinforces two of the most deadly diseases of the soul; greed and selfishness. Giving breaks the back of greed and selfishness.You want it to!