Most people know that if you follow Jesus all through His life, watch every encounter, hear every challenge and listen to every message – what you find is a cross. Jesus never wrote a book – and if He had, it wouldn’t be called, 7 Keys To a Healthy, Prosperous Extraordinary Life! In fact, the natural thought of anyone who watched Jesus’ crucifixion would’ve been, “I’m not following HIM!” Most of His closest followers didn’t even show up that day! It was shameful, humiliating, gory, gross, terrifying – and for those who did follow Jesus, the most discouraging, heart-wrenching day of their lives. But in the agony and uncertainty of the next 3 days, the plot totally shifted. What became crystal clear is that the cross was a defining moment for us, for Jesus, for God and for all creation. Forty days later, the missing piece in people even being able to follow Jesus, came. The Holy Spirit. It’s His power. It’s a defining moment in our surrender to Him that gives us what we need to follow Jesus – and not give in, give out, or give up.
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