If this story of Christmas is, in fact, authentic – and all of the evidence points in that direction, then it is actually not a cute story of “how the Christ-child came and taught us that in loving and giving we find our own happiness.” The story line is summarized by, “God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish. The story is about a beachhead called planet earth that God invaded to release people from an evil power so they can have freedom and life. Read Less
It’s beautiful, it’s holy, it’s pure love but, like any encroachment on enemy territory, it’s vicious and foreshadows a massive battle. And that makes sense of the horrifying spiritual vision of it all that John has in his book of the final things. But it’s real. The discomfort is real; the love is real. The sacrifice is real. And the COMFORT is real too. To think that God had been planning to make all things right for as long as all things were wrong is comforting. To realize that God so loved is comforting. To realize that nothing can stop this invasion, this kingdom – this slow take-over is very comforting!