It’s unfortunate for the Church of Jesus – and for the world Jesus loves and gave His life for, that His Followers have at times felt obligated to officially disapprove of people and the many ways they sin and fail and struggle. What’s strange is that Jesus never did that – and His strongest words were reserved for the ones who did. It’s amazing that we think so highly of our own opinions that we think everyone ought to know them! Actually, it’s not all that hard to take someone apart and make them feel like an insignificant, unimportant, permanently defective part of the human race. And we actually have the freedom to do that. But to do that automatically creates distance. We want to be close to kind people who genuinely care about our lives – and our hearts – not just how we perform. The Bible calls it grace – the opposite of disapproval – and it is irresistible! You can spray friend-repellent if you want – just don’t expect to attract friends. The best gift you can give in any relationship – is grace!
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